If you are currently on Oracle EBS 11i (Financials or Order to Cash or Procure to Pay), what options do you have for upgrading your historical data in 11i to Subledger Accounting Model? Hope this posting will clarify your questions.
First of all, let us understand what will 11i Upgrade process do with your Subledger Data.
By Default, it will upgrade 6 months of data. But the fact is, it is not always 6 months. Here is an example of how much data will be upgraded to the SLA model by default.
Also, it is really interesting to note that the entire AP data is converted to SLA model by default. Basically all your data from ap_accounting_events_all, ap_ae_headers_all and ap_ae_lines_all are upgraded to the respective SLA tables. Only the xla_distribution_links records for AP are migrated based on the xla_upgrade_dates and the accounting period in the gl_period_statuses tables.
So, what are your options to convert the rest of the data to SLA Data model? Hopefully the following picture will explain it all.
So, you have a few options for upgrade
You can leave the default option or do a Pre-Upgrade or do a Post-upgrade using Hot Patch with Default or do a Post-upgrade using Concurrent Program (XLAONDEUPG) along with Default.
You can leave the default option or do a Pre-Upgrade or do a Post-upgrade using Hot Patch with Default or do a Post-upgrade using Concurrent Program (XLAONDEUPG) along with Default.
If you are using Project Accounting module and you are planning to convert the PA data to SLA datamodel, then you can't use the option 4 above. SLA: Upgrade Historical Subledger Transaction Accounting Program is not compatible with Project Accounting module.
On the other hand, there a lot of advantages with using the option 4. You can run this program by product, ledger or period. This gives a lot of flexibility to upgrade your historical data post-upgrade. Also, since this is run after the upgrade is completed, the actual upgrade time can be conserved.
If you are using Project Accounting module and would like to convert your entire PA data to SLA model, you have no option but to choose Option 2 or 3. Option 3 is probably the best bet because, you are not forcing yourself to converting the entire data in one-go that too during upgrade like Option 2. Here is a picture representing the various options you have to convert your SLA data during Upgrade.