Monday, October 13, 2014

Fusion Applications Release 9 (Oracle Cloud R9) - What's new


As you know Oracle just released Fusion Applications Release 9 (AKA - Oracle Cloud R9)

Thanks to Oracle Product strategy, New Public content is available on Oracle Cloud R9 .

For each Pillar, Human Capital Management, Sales, Financials, Procurement, Project Portfolio Management, Supply Chain Management,  You will find :
1) Release Content Documents
2) What's new in R9 Documents and
3) Direct access to Corporate Videos presenting "What is new in R9" by Product Strategy Managers. 
Click on the following link for the Oracle Cloud R9 documents.

Also,  New Oracle Corp Youtube Channels have been created especially for Release 9 (R9).
Whether you are trying to understand new functionality in Fusion Apps or trying to evaluate Fusion Apps for your customer needs, you will find this information extremely helpful.

Thanks and Regards


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My Presentations/Panel at the Oracle Openworld 2014 Conference

Here are the two panels I will be speaking at during the Oracle Openworld 2014.

Agenda GL-SIG @ OpenWorld 2014 on Sunday, September 28th, 11.00am
Location – Moscone W – 3005


  1. Introduction to the SIG                     
  2. Proactive support presentation      
  3. Sponsor message (Excel4Apps)      
  4. Lakshmi (SLA on Upgrade @ Dell) 
  5. David Haimes new functionality     
  6. Open questions                                
We will be joined by our Oracle colleagues to tell us about ProActive support and their leading practices to deliver content and help to the Oracle user community.
Excel4Apps will be helping us by sponsoring the meeting at this conference.

In the past many oracle apps customers have looked elsewhere for their reporting needs – until now – see a preview of “Fusion Account Hub Reporting Cloud Service”. See how many finance users are using their favorite tools for reporting – Smartview, Cubes, and related functionality to get their financials.  Fusion Account Hub Reporting Cloud Service is a new subscription service provides out of the box integration with EBS R12 General Ledger for reporting.  This session will provide an introduction to the new service, how it connects, works with EBS data, the reporting capabilities available and what it does and does not support.  Come listen to David Haimes, Senior Director, Financials Product Development t alk about the new service.

Hear what Lakshmi Sampath from Dell has to say about their upgrade to R12. The presentation covers the R12 Upgrade Case-Study at Dell providing details on what happens during upgrade to R12 in various subledgers (PO, AP, AR, PA, FA) with respect to SLA. This presentation will also provide details on strategies for data conversion to SLA model during upgrade, and cover critical lessons learned during the upgrade @ DELL. 

When – Sunday, September 28, 2014 – 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm Pacific Time
Where – Moscone West, Room 3007

What – Oracle Business Intelligence-Big Data Special Interest Group Meeting

Attend our Annual OBI-BD SIG OpenWorld meeting to hear real world experiences from our Oracle Business Intelligence & Big Data Customer RoundTable.
Hear from Healthcare, High Technology and other industries how their organizations regarding their Oracle BI & Big Data landscape, challenges and roadmap.                                                           
Participate in the Q & A session to ask your specific Oracle BI & Big Data questions.
Hear Oracle Corporation present ‘How to Get the Most Out of OpenWorld 2014’ from an Oracle Business Intelligence, Analytics & Big Data perspective along with a ‘sneak peek’ at Oracle’s Roadmap & Vision for these exciting subject areas.
2:30 – 2:35 pm – Introductions, About the OBI-BD SIG                                                      

2:35 – 2:45 pm – How to Get the Most Out of OpenWorld 2014 regarding Oracle BI, Analytics & Big Data – Oracle Corporation

2:45 – 3:00 pm – Oracle BI, Analytics & Big Data Customer RoundTable
Customer RoundTable speakers from Healthcare, High Tech and other industries discuss their BI and Big Data Landscape & Roadmap – Dell, Humana, Other

3:00 – 3:15 pm – Oracle BI Customer RoundTable
Q & A Session with Audience – Direct your specific BI & Big Data questions to Dell, Humana, Oracle Corporation and/or the OBI-BD SIG Board


I will also be attending the IOUC (International Oracle User Committee) meeting - with OAUG Customer Support Council representing the Council as the Vice-Chair. 

Look forward to meeting everyone at the Oracle Openworld. 


Monday, July 28, 2014

Subledger Accounting Query to download all SLA Setups - for your BR-100 documentation

Here is a SQL that can be used to download all the information on the Subledger Accounting Setups from Application Accounting Definition to Account Derivation Rule

-- This SQL will pull all the details of Application Accounting Definition all the way from AAD name to ADR (Account Derivation Rule).
-- Two of the Oracle Forms are captured in this query

                A.EVENT_CLASS_CODE      Event_Class,
                A.EVENT_TYPE_CODE       Event_Type,
                B.line_definition_code  JLD_Code,
                B.Line_definition_name  JLD_Name,
                B.line_definition_desc  JLD_Desc,
                T.line_definition_code  JLD_CODE,
                T.accounting_line_name  Journal_Line_Type,
                T.description_name      Journal_Line_Description,
                N.segment_rule_name     ADR_NAME,
                N.segment_rule_code     ADR_CODE,
                N.segment_rule_desc     ADR_DESCRIPTION,
  FROM apps.xla_prod_header_desc_fvl     A,
              apps.xla_aad_line_defn_assgns_f_v B,
              apps.xla_line_defn_jlt_assgns_f_v T, -- To get all the details of Journal Line Type
              apps.xla_line_defn_adr_assgns_f_v N -- To get all the details of ADR
 WHERE (A.APPLICATION_ID = 140) -- Application_id from FND_APPLICATION.
  -- and (A.PRODUCT_RULE_CODE LIKE 'XXFA_ASSET_AAD')-- If you want Product rule code --specific, write the name here
  -- and (A.ENTITY_CODE = 'TRANSACTIONS') -- IF you want to use the query for just a --particular entity,
   and A.product_rule_code = B.product_rule_code
   and A.application_id = B.application_id
   and A.amb_context_code = B.amb_context_code
   and A.event_class_code = B.event_class_code
   and A.event_type_code = B.event_type_code
   and T.application_id = 140 -- Application_id from FND_APPLICATION.
   and T.application_id = B.application_id
   and T.event_class_code = A.event_class_code
   and B.line_definition_code = T.line_definition_code
   and B.event_class_code = T.event_class_code
   and B.line_definition_code = T.line_definition_code
   and B.event_type_code = T.event_type_code
   and T.event_Class_code = N.event_Class_code
   and T.line_definition_code = N.line_definition_code
   and T.application_id = N.application_id
   and T.line_definition_code = N.line_definition_code
   and T.event_type_code = N.event_type_code
   and N.accounting_line_code = T.accounting_line_code
 order by 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 16;

Sunday, April 6, 2014

My Presentations/Panel at the COLLABORATE-14 Conference

April 7th 2014

1 to 2 PM Pacific

OAUG Oracle Business Intelligence - Big Data SIG Meeting (Customer Round Table)

Level 3, San Polo - 3506

April 8th 2014

6:45 PM Pacific

RadiOAUG powered by Business RadioX

 OAUG Membership Booth #1039 (OAUG Customer Support Council)

April 9th 2014

 2 to 3 PM Pacific

 "How I wish I Knew SLA" - (Oracle Subledger Accounting)

Session ID : 14843

Level 1, Marco Polo - 803

Look forward to meeting you all on tomorrow (7th April 2014)


Friday, February 28, 2014

How to view other User's Request in Oracle EBS R12

This is one of the interesting issues I came across during our EBS Upgrade from 11i to R12.1.3

In 11i, All the users can view other's concurrent requests through a simple Profile Option called  'Concurrent: Report Access Level'.  When we assign the above profile option value to Responsibility, all users logging into that Responsibility can view other's requests.

Ofcourse R12 has a lot more security and is based on role based access. Hence, that profile option to allow anyone to view other's requests at the responsibility level is Disabled.

So here is what you need to do to enable the same functionality in R12. I have provided step by step instructions on how to do that.

You will be using the UMX Role based Access Control (RBAC) to control who can view other User's requests.


Step 1:

Login as Sysadmin User (Not responsibility) and Navigate to User Management Responsibility, Click on Users Tab and search for the User Name and then assign Security Administrator, Functional Developer and Functional Administrator  roles to that user .

     Click On Update

  Click on Assign Roles and search for Security Administrator role and assign to the user.

When assigning the role, it will ask for justification. Provide a reason for justification and save.

You will get a confirmation that you have successfully updated the information, but may not see the changes in the application until after the Workflow Background engine's next run.

Assign Functional Developer and Functional Administrator roles to the same user. You need Functional developer role to create new roles.

PLEASE NOTE: User Management is an inherited role from Security Administrator role. User Management will only work if you have the Security Administrator role assigned to the user.


Step 2:

 The steps described in Step 2  is a one time step 

2(a) Creation of Object Instance Set Code

Login as Functional Developer and click on objects (You can do this either using Sysadmin user or your own user who has the Functional Developer role)

Click on objects tab, then search for 'concurrent requests' in the name and click go as shown below:

Click on Concurrent Requests link above (Not Update)

 Click on Create Instance Set and create a new instance set as follows. Make sure your object instance set code is a single word without space.

Enter the following as your predicate:
&TABLE_ALIAS.request_id in (select cr.request_id from fnd_concurrent_requests cr where cr.responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id and cr.responsibility_application_id = fnd_global.resp_appl_id)

 Click on Apply and save. 

You will get a confirmation that your object instance set is created successfully.

2(b)  Creation of Role and Grant

     (i)  Creation of Role

Now Login as User Management, Role and Role inheritance

Click on Create Role in the above screen and create a new role as follows:

Click on save, then Click on Create Grant

ii) Creation of Grant - 

Step 1 of 4

Click Next to go to the next step

Step 2 of 4

Click the Data context type as Instance set and search for your instance set you created a few minutes ago (in this case XX Dell View Other Requests)

Step 3 of 4

Click Next and in the screen select set as "Request Operations"

Step 4 of 4

Click Next
Click on Finish. You will get a confirmation as below.

 Now the Role to view other user's requests with the grant is fully created.


This is the only step you will be repeating to assign other users the ability to view other's requests.  

a)  Login to User Management Responsibility.

Navigate to Users, Search for the user whom you are planning to assign the role to view other's requests.

b) Click on Update, and Click on Assign Roles

c)  Search for the Role that you created in Step 2 as shown below. Then click Select 

d) The form will ask you for Justification. Enter a justification and click on save.

Now the User Vishal_Pande has the access to view other user's concurrent requests. 


Hope you find this information useful. Please feel free to drop a note if you have any questions on this.